Subfighter MMA is a mixed martial arts academy that strives to develop the individual in all areas of martial arts: mindset, techniques, and application. Since 2007, fueled by the grief of losing our mentor and coach Jeremy William Robert Williams and with him, the Apex Academy, our passion and dedication pushed many of us to open Subfighter MMA to continue Jeremy's teaching style.
We've come a long way from those days: our dedicated team of instructors have developed a fundamental and efficient way of training for martial arts practitioners, aspiring athletes, or simply the health concious fitness enthusiast. Jeremy's positivity still echo's throughout our gym today, and through our sense of friendship and good sportsmanship. Come and experience positive feedback in a fertile environment for real "growth through experience". Join us!
Through consistency to our teammates and respecting our lineage and evolution, WE EXIST FOR YOU... your progression is only limited by your involvement.